About Graham


My Journey

Thanks for visiting my site. I have been going through my awakening to the truth over these last 2.5 years. I recently started on TikTok where I created a channel to help share my thoughts and share my awakening journey. I never knew I would get that sort of following so quickly. My original aim was to just reach a handful of people and hopefully help them on their journey. In just 3 weeks I created a channel with over 8.4 million views which was an incredible surprise so this was the encouragement I needed to keep going.

I have also been going through my spiritual awakening on and off for the last few decades but have always been distracted from my path by stress and anxiety from our financial limitations and life. Then when C19 hit and we were all extremely worried and stressed about what was happening, including myself at first as I feared for my kid’s safety too. Then as I travelled to and from work and I began to hear things on the radio that didn’t make sense to me, things I heard just didn’t add up. This made me wonder and try to rationalise what we were all going through and try to understand why the information we were being given made no sense. This was when I started researching and searching for answers and so began my awakening to the truth about the way our lives were.

From my early teens, I always wondered what the meaning of life was but I wasn’t prepared for what I would come across on my journey. To find out we have been lied to for our entire lives and constantly controlled and manipulated by the governments we trusted was completely unbelievable at first. This is when you begin to guess second what you are reading on learning. The disbelief you go through can completely mess with your sanity because you don’t want to believe it is true.

This was where my spiritual journey really began again as I started learning to look within for answers. I began to learn to meditate and listen to my inner thoughts. I found God-consciousness again and began to learn and listen to ways I couldn’t connect with my higher self. To learn to trust my intuition and trust the universe. It was then that I knew what I must do. I knew I needed to share my journey with others, to break through my ego and really open up to the world. To stand up and hopefully help others go through this same journey and shed light in the darkness. To stand up and help the collective consciousness raise our vibrations and work together to build a better future.

I hope my journey helps you with yours.

Years looking for the right system

I have spent years trying to find a way to make a living online to free up time to spend with my wife and children. To break out of this trading time for hourly money to create an incredible life for my kids. Over this time I’ve come across countless scams. So I began to write posts about these scams to prevent others from getting caught out too.

As I progress on my journey of self-discovery I will share my findings and the benefits of the journey we are all going on in the hope to wake up more people and supporting them on the transition to a new humanitarian world we have ahead.

While also navigating the hurdles of scammers, writing reviews and investigating them to let people know who they are. I hope I can help prevent as many people as possible get caught out by foul play.

For years I’ve seen family and friends work themselves to the bone all the way up to retirement and then only start to try and enjoy their life more. I don’t know about you but that’s not what I’m here for, to spend our entire lives going to work every day for 40-50 hours a week to get just a few hours a day to ourselves. No sir, that’s not for me.

What Really Drives Me!

As I said before I’ve always been focused on not wanting to do what everyone else is doing, just surviving. Getting by from paycheck to paycheck and always worrying if you can afford things and stressing about it. I’ve always been looking for the opportunity, that idea, the number great plan that will help me take control of my life and allow me to do what I want to do, without the worry and stress of money and time.

The love of my life

I then met my wife and had three children. It’s amazing how those little tinkers can really fire up the engines and get you focused again. That was it I was back on the internet researching ways to make money online, again. I was determined again to find a way to do this, but all I came up with was reviewing sites, feedback, and blogs but no one really telling me how to really do it.

After some solid research, I then came across a feed on Facebook that looked legit. They had used a photo of a famous celebrity who had apparently leaked a great way to make money that all the wealthy people are using. Sounded great, I started clicking links to begin to read more, it seemed too good to be true I kept thinking this doesn’t feel right in my gut but the desperation and an element of excitement were clouding my judgement and I nearly signed up. It was then I stopped, I thought I’d check for reviews and feedback. Then boom, just as I thought another scam, so close.

Wealthy Affiliate link

Thanks to a guy called Jason he decided to share with everyone a review of this scam and this company and I’m so glad he did. Looking at his comments he saved loads of other people too from making the same mistake. Through Jason, I found another great review on a community of business builders that work together to coach and support each other with developing websites and costs £0 to join and you also can create 2 free websites.

What I really liked about it was that it felt right. There were no quick wins, no easy money or ‘click and we will do it all for you’ scams. They were clear that it was going to take time and effort but they would provide me with all the training I would need. They use the support from a wealth of knowledge from the community full of like-minded people and oceans of available training material.

It sounded exactly what I’d been looking for all these years. Finally, someone wanted to show me how to do it and really open with the fact that as long as I was willing to learn and put the time in I could succeed as they did.

Now Here I Am

I am now wide awake and fully aware. I spend my days learning how to help others see through the veil and begin their own awakened journey. I began sharing on TikTok and realised very quickly I had found my purpose. I had found a way to really help others. I’ve now created this site to help me share more info that gets blocked by some social media apps.

It’s a great feeling knowing I’m building something myself to help others instead of working for someone else. I am full of energy, fully focused. It’s a great feeling knowing I’m able to pay forward everything I’m learnt to help others do the same.

I hope sharing this information enables you to unlock your future potential too.

If you would like to get in touch with me, need some support or share your experiences then please leave a comment below.

Hope you find my site useful, I have thoroughly enjoyed putting it together for you.

All my best wishes for your future

Graham Hodsdon

10 thought on “About Graham”
  1. Hi Graham, I started following you on TikTok before you were banned and now it’s wonderful you have your own site. I’m always interested to learn about earning a living online and would love to know more about what you’ve found.

    1. Hi Amanda, thanks for following and I hope my videos have helped. Yeah so frustrating they banned me but now I have my own site I don’t have to worry about been restricted or blocked. It’s all thanks to this Wealthy Affiliate platform that I have this site. It is amazing as the training is so easy to follow enabling everyone to be able to build a site. You learn how to easily create traffic and page 1 google content. Then they teach you how to create an income for your site. best of all you done even have to add any card details to try the free account. Which is amazing as this takes the worry away. I have wrote a detail review that shows you what it’s all about. https://grahamhodsdon.com/wealthy-affiliate-scam-review/

    1. Hi Alli, thanks for following. The volume of scammers on TT puts me off going back and that fact TT are doing nothing about them. But I’ve also been thinking the scammers are a reason I need to go back. To help people stay away from the scammers. Ill post on my site once I’ve got a new account set up.

      1. Pleased to hear this! I have been caught by a scammer on T with several links cleverly impersonating you and using your videos with misleading written footage! He (they) must be stopped as naive folks are ‘taken in’ with this clever evil guidance to invest in XRP etc., clean bank accounts and deposit monies into a false QFS account – directions given how to do this! Thankfully I became aware of these cunning tactics and my bank also were alerted and advised me. These impressionists still remain on the T app. Maybe you could have influence to present this happening to the T app administrators. Thank you for sharing such important matters with the public – bringing awareness and truths of what has been hidden that would unfold into blessings for all. God bless you for all you do.

        1. Hi Marguerite, sorry to hear you have been caught out by scams before but I’m relieved the banks have become aware of these scams too. This is why I created this site so I could warn people without being blocked. As I was getting restricted and blocked every time I tried to warn people of scams and scammers on TT. Each time I reported them TikTok admin they just said no violation found. I have now created a new profile on TT so I can begin sharing more information to hopefully keep people aware of what scammers are doing.

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