
Scammers are really going for a free for all on TikTok now. It’s really grown fast over the last few months. more and more Creators are having to put up videos saying this is my only account and any other accounts are just scammers trying to trick you into taking your money.

Creators are reporting them but we just get back ‘No violation’ from TikTok which is really frustrating.

What they do is create an account and use your name and your profile photo. They then copy your videos and post them on their fake channel. They then go into your channel videos and start replying to your follower’s comments pretending to be you. They also direct message your followers pretending to be you. Either way, your follower thinks it’s you. So they trust your advice or the fake you’s advice. They then try and sell them what you do like palm reading or offering investment into XRP or help with the QFS if you are trying to educate people about money matters.

So here are some tips for creators to stay ahead of the scammers and protect their followers from con artists.

Daily Task

  • Make sure each day you search your name in the search bar. This will then brings up all the clone accounts that scammers are using to scam your followers.
  • You then need to block all these accounts to stop them from being able to see your followers and also so they can’t see your account or comments. This stops them from leaving fake comments to trick your followers.
  • Then you can try to report them and hopefully, they might start doing something about it.

Make sure you stay on top of this and you should massively reduce the impact these scammers are having on your followers.

Finding Real Accounts to Follow

You know what it’s like. You hear the name of someone you want to find and start following. You type their name into the search box and you find dozens of accounts and you know they only have 1. The rest all belong to scammers using fake copied accounts.

The best way I find to find the real account if they don’t have a verified stamp is to..

  • First look for the account with the most followers!
  • Secondly, check the comments on their videos. You are looking for an account with the most amount of comments on the videos. I find that most fake cloned accounts only have a couple of comments but the real account will be hundreds if not thousands of comments.
  • Then block the rest of the accounts and follow the real account.

Hope you find this useful

Hi, I’m Graham my ONLY TikTok account was @grahamhodsdon before I was permanently banned from TikTok. I hope you find these tips useful to prevent and slow down these scammers until TikTok starts doing something about them. Please drop me a comment below and share your thoughts and experiences. Also if you come across any scams on TikTok let me know below so we can spread the word about protecting others from being caught out.

Graham Hodsdon

Please help by sharing my posts to spread this information further

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