Graham Hodsdon



Hi, I’m Graham Hodsdon,

Just a normal guy like everyone else.

Tired of the corruption and lies.

On My Awakening Journey

Saw the fear increasing!

Needed to stand up and do my bit.

NOTE – There are 100’s of Fake Profiles across all social media platforms, using my name, photos and my videos. All I wanted to do was help and these scammers are tarnishing my name. I don’t promote share or do anything financial on any platform or social Media, anything I share is just my thoughts and feelings about working towards a better world.

Any profile on any platform with my name and photo promoting anything or getting anyone to do things they are not me its just a fraudster using a fake profile trying to trick people into losing their money! These criminals need to be stopped but until social media start dealing with this issue its only going to get worse.

To protect you from scams and see what these scammers are doing See here!

To find our where to report these scammers and scam sites Find here!

UPDATE December 2024: Apologies for not posting anything in 2024 or been active I had a mild Stroke in December 2023 that took out my left hand side. I am now trying to get back to doing what I love which is helping people.

Why I Created My Site

What Inspired me

After seeing all the fake clone accounts and scammers manipulating information and pretending to be me. I decided to create my own website to create a central point of contact so my followers would know which channels are mine and hopefully keep them safe from the scammers.

My Online Battle!

The hurdles and the Scammers!
My Profiles and which are Mine
How to AVOID the Scammers!

About Me

What brought me here

X is my ONLY platform!

Any other profiles on X are just scammers with fake clone accounts so please help and report any other fake accounts. As quick as i get them closed more open up.

Update: I haven’t used Telegram, TikTok, Facebook Or Instagram for a few years now. Any Profile posting on these are FAKE clone scammer accounts so please be careful and just block and report!

Below are old accounts I don’t use anymore because the platform don’t stop the scammers but I’m sharing the links in each image incase scammers have fake clone accounts on these platforms.

Latest Scams!

QFS Network Backup Security Scam!

Beware Of These Scams!

It's Time For Humanity To Progress!

After Decades Of Being Held Back!

Why Voter ID Is Essential

Why Voter ID Is Essential and Why Voting Should Be a Public Holiday The Fundamental Importance of Voter ID in…

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Use Of AI To Enable Life Beyond Work

Blockchain In Transparent Governance

Mortgage System Reform

Consumption-Based Taxation

What Held Us Back!

How We Can't Let This Happen Again

Climate Net-Zero Logic

Why Climate Net-Zero Goals May Not Make Sense The push for climate net-zero goals has become a cornerstone of global…

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New film trailer – just released

Birth Certificate and the Strawman

The Greatest Show On Earth

Hunter Biden received money from China

What Held Us Back!

How We Can't Let This Happen Again

New World New money

I absolutely loved this film. I must say a massive thanks to Nick Alvear and Lion Good Films for creating such an incredible documentary and pulling together all the information people need with proof, presidential executive orders and documentation about what's really been happening over the last few 7 years and more.

Learn about the incredible future that's coming and learn about lies we have been distracted with...

Where I started

My Original TikTok Account, where my journey to stand up began, was Permanently Banned in early July 2023! Please be vigilant, anyone contacting you on TikTok will be an impersonator and scammer just block and report!


WARNING - I will never message you FIRST on social media or email and I will never ask you to send me anything or do anything for you in regard to Crypto, financial or investments in any way. All the information I share is for educational purposes only so you can learn for yourself.

IMPORTANT! Anyone who messages you saying these things will only be scammers on fake clone accounts pretending to be me. TikTok and Instagram are doing nothing with these Scammers, so please be careful.

ALSO - Beware with news of the Quantum Financial System spreading there are swarms of scammers trying to scare people into giving them their crypto. Please remember you don't need to do anything with your crypto before the new financial system.

So don't give your Crypto to anyone keep it in your own private wallet!

Stay Safe During the Transition

Learn how to spot scams and be aware of what scams are currently being used...

Learn how to spot scams

See below some scams we have already come across so you can get an idea of what to be careful of.

List Of Agencies For Support

Here’s a list of agencies in different countries that people can turn to if they’ve been scammed online, either to…

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Scam Update – October week 1

Top Tips to Spot a Scammer

QFS Security-Backup Scam Review

QFS Ledger Live Scam

Graham Hodsdon

Please support this journey by sharing.

It's more important than ever, to work closer together to help make the World a Better Place

Also help me to get ahead of the scammers and keep people safe! is Proudly powered by WealthyAffiliate

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