TikTok banned my account


TikTok has shown its true allegiance. My account of 96,000 followers, 650,000 likes and over 10’s million views has not been permanently banned. They started going back to videos I had posted months ago and began blocking them saying ‘against community guidelines’. They were fine for months so why is there an issue now?

TikTok banned my account

The Great Awakening on TikTok 

I’ve been on TikTok for years and what I loved about it is it was a great place to share things we can find anywhere else. More was getting uploaded then could be taken down. This massively helped the global awakening that was going on. At the time we had been locked down through COVID. At first, I was worried about bringing it home to my kids as I still had to go to work as I was a manager in retail at the time.

As I drove home from work I heard the narrative the radio was sharing with the country and things they started saying just didn’t make sense. I kept hearing a set amount has died that day but all with underlining symptoms. So they already had some other illness before they caught COVID. This didn’t make sense as they said everyone was at risk. So if everyone was at risk why was I just the people that were already sick that were dying? 

Now the thing is and what they failed to mention is that thousands of people die from the flu all the time but we don’t lock the country down for it. This began to make me second-guess what they were telling us. My worry switched to concern about why they are pushing the fear when the flu has never created this type of fear and lockdowns.

I will write an article on this too. As this COVID versus Flu is a topic all on its own.

TikTok was the Peoples App

As my questions grew I needed to find answers. Something was really wrong with the narrative the news and our governments were sharing. I started searching on TikTok for particular questions I had and it didn’t take long for my For You Page, FYP, to come alive with information as was searching for. The volume of information was incredible. The sort of information that wasn’t making its way to any other social media outlet. 

It was incredible I found myself searching more and more as I was astounded by the amount of lies we have been led to believe. As the lies unfolded they opened up more and more lies. I found myself going ‘Down The Rabbit Hole’. This term is so true as you just keep going further and further as you uncover more lies. You ask yourself if they can lie about that what else can they lie about? For each video I came across on TikTok I then searched online for more information. I began to see that Google was blocking this information too but if I used DuckDuckgo or Brave I could find more information that wasn’t blocked from searches. TikTok became the gateway to truth for the world that was currently locked down. This was the mistake the elites didn’t count on! They have always stayed hidden and moulded our world from behind closed doors. Thanks to TikTok the doors were open and we could see everything they had done, 

From all around the world anything anyone found out could then be shared with the world for others to continue the research. The world’s population started working together to break open the Truth!

The Lockdown actually worked in our favour!

They locked us up so all we could do was watch TV and spend hours on games or search on Social media. For the ones that went to TikTok, Rumble or Bitchute they also began to see the truths that people were sharing. Those that were curious could find more than they could have ever imagined. Smashing these lies that we had lived with for so long.

With each video I came across on TikTok I then searched online for more information. I began to see that Google was blocking this information too but if I used DuckDuckgo or Brave I could find more information that wasn’t blocked from searches. TikTok became the gateway to truth for the world that was currently locked down. This was the mistake the elites didn’t count on! They have always stayed hidden and moulded our world from behind closed doors. Thanks to TikTok the doors were open and we could see everything they had done, 

From all around the world anything anyone found out could then be shared with the world for others to continue the research. The world’s population started working together to break open the Truth!

It was through TikTok that found the series ‘The Fall of the Cabal’ and loads of other videos that shared thousands of hours of research and information to wake up the world.

TikTok started my Spiritual Awakening

At first the volume and detail of what I was finding really started to shock me to the core. How could our governments, our celebrities and famous people we looked up to lie to us in this way? How can this Power and Greed take over the planet and lie to us so convincingly for so long?

It was on TikTok I found the name Connected Consciousness appearing on videos. I started getting curious again and wondered what it meant. Information was obviously coming from somewhere. I started googling and came across an incredible Spiritual Group called Connected Consciousness. It’s a free-to-join community of over 120,000 members from across the globe. I’ve been a member now since November 2021. The community was set up by Simon Parkes and its been running for years. I’ll share more about this in future posts. 

TikTok has changed!

One thing that started to become clear this year is that TikTok has dramatically changed. It started changing in the last few months and this coincides with Facebook and Instagram clamping down. Is it a coincidence that the filtering has really ramped up as we are getting closer to public awareness of the coming launch of Nesara/Gesara and the Quantum Financial System? 

It wasn’t long ago we had the battle in the US with trying to block TikTok and an agreement was made to let the US influence it Western data as a compromise to keeping TikTok in the US. I believe this is when TikTok filtering started to ramp up. the freedom of speech on TikTok began disappearing fast. influencers were getting blocked and banned. Videos from months before started getting blocked and warnings are given, even though they were seen as compliant when they were posted but all of a sudden they are an issue.

I’ve had videos from 3 months ago blocked for apparently ‘influencing gambling’ and the only link I can see is that it had the word ‘domino’ in the title. The problem is I was talking about Bank closures. I think that the gambling ban was an excuse to bank information about bank closures and the incoming QFS.

I began to find myself in an issue I couldn’t get out of. I was warned if I had one more video with ‘against community guidelines’ then they would permanently ban my account, I knew I had to be careful what I shared so I held back from posting videos for a week or two but what I didn’t know is if they would suddenly decide another one of my old videos was suddenly against their guidelines. All I could do was hope for the best.


Well as of yesterday the 14th of July I went to log in and was prompted with a message to say my account is now permanently banned. This was hours after I had just posted a video about Ripple winning the case against the SEC when the judge ruled that XRP wasn’t a security. Once again we try and share what’s really going on and once again they class it as misinformation!

So TikTok, once seen as the people’s app, has lost this standing. We used to be able to share what we found with people from around the world so that together we could work out what was really going on. Together we could break through the lies to unite the world population. What happened to individuals being able to decide what they wanted to see or not?

All this proves is that TikTok is now in the control of the elites. They have gained control of TikTok and they are fighting to keep control of what’s left of their narrative by silencing the truth. This is the only way people listen to the puppets of the elite in power. 

So the question is where do we go now to share this information with the masses? 

With so many people still asleep across the world, it’s important now more than ever that we keep doing our bit to stand up and help humanity break away from the last grip the corruption has on the world’s population.

Graham Hodsdon profile

Hi, I’m Graham Hodsdon. I decided to do my bit and stand up to share the information I had learnt over the years on TikTok. The goal was to do my bit to help free humanity from corruption. I never thought I would reach out to so many people. I try to break this down and educate, to make it easier to understand as we move closer to the new world and new money that is coming out the way. While waking up the world to the corruption that is being removed at the same time.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this by dropping a comment below and sharing your experience.

Also, every little bit we do helps the collective please share and help me reach more people.

6 thought on “TikTok Banned My Account”
  1. Hello
    I’m sorry your tic toc account was banned. I have learned much from you and I appreciate you.

    1. Hi Dawn, Thank you. I was so gutted when I saw it. Thankfully I’d downloaded most of the videos a few days before as I didn’t trust the guidelines anymore. Really appreciate your support. I’m just working on ways I can continue now. Thank you, I’m so glad you was able to learn so much from it.

      1. Graham
        So when is the QFS happening? Do you actually believe that some sort of utopia is on the horizon?
        No doubt there is changes to the banking system but that’s more to do with America losing world dominance with the petrodollar and to be frank the majority of banking transactions purchases etc are done electronically nowadays anyway. To me this is all pie in the sky Hopium mate, I just hope people don’t hang there future on a pipe dream.

        1. Hi Chris, when you have seen as much as I have there is no doubt in the world that the QFS is coming. You can see all the pieces coming together. It’s not that we are moving to a utopia but we are removing the corruption and elites and there illegal tax system and financial control. Removing the petrodollar is just 1 piece of a massive puzzle to remove their control and replace it with an equal economic system that is fair for all countries of the world.

  2. Hi Graham,
    My brother and I have learned so much from you and value your information so much. Thank you for your time to put it out there. Peace, love and prayers from Colorado, USA.

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